General Purpose and Liquid-Filled Pressure Gauges
We supply all of your general purpose and liquid-filled pressure gauges through trusted suppliers. These are listed below according to manufacturer.
McDaniel Controls have the largest and finest selection available. Economical and dependable operation with cost as only a secondary consideration. Engineered to withstand 300% full scale pressure without rupture of the bourdon tube and 130% full scale pressure without loss of accuracy makes McDaniel pressure gauges the exception in the marketplace today.

Gauge Models
- Subsea Gauges
- All Stainless Steel
- General Service Gauges
- Process Gauges
- Plant Safety Gauges
- Liquid filled, Stainless Steel Case Utility Gauges
- Stainless Steel Case Utility Gauges
- Black Steel Case Utility Gauges
- Liquid fillable, All Stainless Steel Utility Gauges & Ammonia Gauges
- Ammonia Gauges
- Safe Zone Reflective Glo-Gauge

Safe Zone Reflective Glo-Gauge
Since 1953, Winters Instruments has been manufacturing quality built instrumentation for all markets that require pressure and temperature measurement. Through the years, the company has grown in size and reputation and is now a leading, global manufacturer of industrial instrumentation.

PCC Color Pressure Gauges
General service gauges for FRL’s, compressors, pumps, boilers, regulators, dryers & industrial equipment. Marsh offers professional quality items to meet your everyday needs.

Gauge Models
- General Service Gauges
- Severe Service Gauges
- Precision Service Gauges
- Process Gauges
- Diaphragm Gauges
- Lead Free Gauges
- Special Application Gauges
- Diaphragm Seals
- Digital Pressure Indicators
- Temperature Instruments
- Filter, Regulator, Lubricator
Since 1982 Precision Instrumentation has striven to meet customer needs by maintaining a large inventory of the most popular products.
Precision Pressure Gauges are manufactured by Nagano Keiki, the largest manufacturer of pressure gauges and sensors in the world. These are standard Nagano items configured for the American market with sizes, connections, and scales typical of what are used every day in our industries.

Gauge Models
- Severe Duty
- Small Brass Gauges
- Small SS Gauges
- 2″ Panel Mount
- Regulator Gauges
- 3, 4, 6, & 8″ Gauges
- Low Pressure Model GL

Model No. GT15 – Square Type